Perseverance Guild
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 Please use the following template for Guild Applications

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Posts : 12
Join date : 2008-05-21

Please use the following template for Guild Applications Empty
PostSubject: Please use the following template for Guild Applications   Please use the following template for Guild Applications Icon_minitimeWed May 21, 2008 1:07 pm

Please Copy this post and answer the following questions to apply to Perseverance. ( And yes we do like jokes but please take this application serious, we do)

1. Character Name, Class, Spec?

2. Armory link to your gear?

3. Are you willing to change your spec?

4. Age, Location?

5. What raid experience do you have?

6. Previous guilds, Reasons for leaving?

7. Our raid times are Sunday through Wednesday 7pm-12am. We occasionally also raid on Thursdays. Can you make these raid times?

8. Why should Perseverance recruit you?

8. Additional Information about yourself?
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Please use the following template for Guild Applications
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