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 Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed

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3 posters

Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Empty
PostSubject: Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed   Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Icon_minitimeTue Jun 03, 2008 2:54 pm

Please answer the following questions to apply to Perseverance.

1) Minotauros, Druid, Feral spec at the moment, but i can spec resto and have a good chunk of epic healing gear from ZA and badge loot, since i had gotten all that i could for tanking.


2) Feral: 15k health, 28k armor, 420 defense, 33% dodge.
In cat 3000AP 40% dodge
Resto + healing 1200

3) SSC 4/6 Had fathom at 1%, 1/4 TK i main tanked for all rage kills. Kill reaver in TK I main tanked him as well. ( full ZA and Kara of course)

4) Transfered to this server in February to join BAMF with friends and stayed with the guild untill it broke up about a month ago. Never left or went to another guild.

5) I can make these raids, this was the same as BAMF and i was number 3 over all in raid attendance from the very start of DKP.

6) I think I am a good easy going person. I like seeing things i put time into, work, and always put effort into everything I do. As a feral druid i obtained everything i possibly could from trinkets to rings ect. I put time into getting what is needed so that when a situation presents itself I am always ready with everything possible for my class at my disposal. Personaly I have lead raids through SSC, TK and other instances, so i dont mind stepping up when needed. I was given the honor of class leader in BAMF and felt like I did a good job, taking time to help others. But when i am not needed i respect those who are talking and those who need to be talking and can maintain silence on vent and keep on task not bothering others, cause i came to raid not goof around, but still have fun

7) I am currently a Feral Druid, I have a solid gear set. I understand though that healers may be needed and I really enjoy playing both a healer as a tank. Being a tank for a long time I understand healing from both angles. I have a good set of healing gear and tons of Badges that i can use too buy resto gear.
What ever you need in a druid i can be, I have alot of epics and alot of badges, and i can work to being what ever you need from me.

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Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed   Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 12:41 pm

Forgot to add 2/5 Hyjal
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Posts : 3
Join date : 2008-05-22

Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed   Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 1:33 am

NIGGA WUT UP dont have to app ya fuck ill get ya in scrub.
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Posts : 5
Join date : 2008-06-04

Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed   Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2008 10:27 pm

I can invite you to the guild, but we currently don't have any spots for feral druids, tank or dps, those current spots are filled.
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Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-06-09

Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed   Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2008 10:25 am

minotauros is a fucking man
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PostSubject: Re: Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed   Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed Icon_minitime

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Application for Feral or Resto druid, what ever is needed
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