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 Muppets 70 Rogue

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Muppets 70 Rogue Empty
PostSubject: Muppets 70 Rogue   Muppets 70 Rogue Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2008 4:22 pm

1. Character Name, Class, Spec?

Muppets 70 Undead Rogue

20/41 Combat Swords

2. Armory link to your gear?

3. Age, Location?

23 Y.O

Brooklyn, NY

4. What raid experience do you have?

Cleared SSC/TK/ZA 4 Chests Several Times

Cleared MH

Black Temple cleared up to IC

5. Previous guilds, Reasons for leaving?

Ruin on Chrommagus. I was a Hunter class officer there and my rogue was an alt. The guild fell apart due to GM leaving the game, so I transfered my rogue here.

I know my gear is bare minimum for a raiding rogue but it's a work in progress. What I lack in gear i make up with my extensive raiding experience. I always strive to be as effective in PvE as I possible can. Thoerycrafting, reading class forums etc.

I hope you will consider this.

6. Our raid times are Sunday through Wednesday 7pm-12am. We occasionally also raid on Thursdays. Can you make these raid times?

Yes i can.

7. Why should Perseverance recruit you?

Because I'm the best and everyone else sucks!


8. Additional Information about yourself?

Smart, mature player. Serious about raiding.
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Muppets 70 Rogue
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