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 70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass.

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70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Empty
PostSubject: 70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass.   70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2008 7:14 pm

Please Copy this post and answer the following questions to apply to Perseverance. ( And yes we do like jokes but please take this application serious, we do)

1. Character Name, Class, Spec?
Ichbinnass, Warlock, Affliction.
2. Armory link to your gear?
3. Are you willing to change your spec?
4. Age, Location?
18, Pennsylvania.
5. What raid experience do you have?
Karazhan, Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Gruuls Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Zul'Aman [To the third boss] SSC [Only know the Leo fight, but my Guild didn't down him]
6. Previous guilds, Reasons for leaving?
Sic Vis Para Bellum. I was removed from the Guild. They kept kickin' me out from Raids because the Raiders decided to show up late. So I got frustrated and went off on them. I wouldnt of minded if they told me no from the start, but they had no reason to remove me just 'cause I Raider deicded to pop on. They did it twice, in SSC and Hyjal. They invited me, like the fourth person into the Party, summoned me down. Barely stepped foot inside of the place and the guy Leading the Raid was like 'Sorry, We're going to have to remove you' Then they invited another Warlock.
7. Our raid times are Sunday through Wednesday 7pm-12am. We occasionally also raid on Thursdays. Can you make these raid times?
Yes, I can make them all.
8. Why should Perseverance recruit you?
- I was referred by Azagare - [Even though the Warlock Status is 'Not Recruiting']
I'm just lookin' to have some fun and get some new Gear. I'm a Transfer though by the way. That's why my Raid Experience isnt that good. I'm from a small Realm that only has 2 BT Guilds and they don't Recruit. I Transfered here about 5 days ago.
8. Additional Information about yourself?
Nothin' really. Besides I tend to get mad when people call me 'dude' 'cause I'm a chick. But I call everyone dude so. xD
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70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass.   70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2008 7:20 pm

.: Sighs :. Apparently the Link didn't work for Armory. Here it is:
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70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass.   70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2008 7:23 pm

Couple 100 more tries it just may work...

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Posts : 8
Join date : 2008-05-21

70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass.   70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2008 2:30 pm

Talk to me in game and we'll see what we can do ... as you saw we arent recruiting warlocks but you might be able to join as a social. talk to Dreadlok in game
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70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass.   70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass. Icon_minitime

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70 Undead Affliction Warlock. Ichbinnass.
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