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 Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall

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Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall Empty
PostSubject: Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall   Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2008 3:57 pm

1. Character Name, Class, Spec?
Arelia - Mage - 2/48/11

2. Armory link to your gear?

3. Are you willing to change your spec?
at anytime.

4. Age, Location?
16/usa/east coast

5. What raid experience do you have?
everything except illidan + sunwell.

6. Previous guilds, Reasons for leaving?
inebriated raiding - didn't let me in raids
park balance - falling apart.

7. Our raid times are Sunday through Wednesday 7pm-12am. We occasionally also raid on Thursdays. Can you make these raid times?

8. Why should Perseverance recruit you?
I am a very good player who reads spreadhseets to maximize dps, I can provide a 375 jc / tailor / cook to your guild, i can help players by giving constructive criticism because i am very knowledgeable of every class, and I can perform good crowd control in raids.

8. Additional Information about yourself?

I am an xfer, so let me know in this thread If I am accepted/denied because I have no other way of contacting you guys. tyvm
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Posts : 8
Join date : 2008-05-21

Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall   Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2008 11:20 am

Can't find you on armory... any reason for this? and we would like to see your armory link for a glance at your current gear. please update asap
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Arelia - Mage - Xfer - Cho'gall
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