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 Dysana - 70 Shadow Priest

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-08-05

Dysana - 70 Shadow Priest Empty
PostSubject: Dysana - 70 Shadow Priest   Dysana - 70 Shadow Priest Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 6:01 pm

1. Character Name, Class, Spec? Dysana, Priest, Shadow.

2. Armory link to your gear?

3. Are you willing to change your spec? Yes, however I do not have much in the way of healing gear.

4. Age, Location? 22 years old, Daytona Beach FL

5. What raid experience do you have? Full BT / Hyjal

6. Previous guilds, Reasons for leaving? Broken Lineage - The guild was falling apart, I left. Decoy - An attempt at making my own guild. Had some personal issues with a couple of the other core members, left before things got out of hand. ArchAngel - Guild Died.

7. Our raid times are Sunday through Wednesday 7pm-12am. We occasionally also raid on Thursdays. Can you make these raid times? I can.

8. Why should Perseverance recruit you? I am an active player. Dedicated to seeing as much content as I can before, and after, Wotlk. I always come prepared with Flasks, Potions, Bandages, Oils, Foods and all of the other Required items I need. I'm always doing what I can to better myself, and my character. I think my /played time compared to my gear shows this. I've been 70 for just over a month now.

8. Additional Information about yourself? 22 Year old Disabled American Veteran. Currently waiting for school to start back up where I study Digital Media with an emphasis on Internet Design.
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Dysana - 70 Shadow Priest
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